
Showing posts from January, 2020

Sex Trafficking in the City: Be Alert or Be Snatched.

This most misconstrued concept  of things that  bump in  the night  are they’re intangible creatures of mythical origin. The bogeyman or candy man. We are oblivious to the harsh fact lurking just beneath our noses. It's not the monster under your bed or the ghost in the haunted house but the man or woman you think you can trust. Society has got us to think it's just in the movies where victims are taken and sold as if their a cheap price of meat. No, it's the stark truth! People, women, men, girls and boys are being sold into dark recess of places that only causes torment or pain. Not just random people but our family, friends, neighbors, associates, and colleagues. The very fabric of people that holds us together are being snatched away! These dire situations are right in the backyard of our home city of Philadelphia and it gets more severe by the day.  There are thousands of cases unbeknownst to the public and neighbors. Adults and children getting kidnapped/sold to the